Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 2

Day 2 of my training is here. My current weight is down to 219 Lbs. Been tough getting into a new eating habit  Have been able to hold to it ok I guess, with a few break downs. Each day is getting easier though. Really was eating soooo bad, all the time, in large amounts.

Did some adjustments to my seat today on the trainer. My sit bones were pretty bruised and sore from the first day. Today was alot more comfortable. 35 minutes, with the difficulty on the trainer up'ed from level 1 to level 2 out of 5. Got my heart rate pretty steady for 20 minutes at 150-160, with a quick 1 minute spike to 170 at the end. Legs are definitely feeling it, and boy does it feel good. Also making sure to drink a nice glass of milk, with some Hersheys chocolate syrup mixed in when done. Makes an excellent recovery drink!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Here we go

Started the training today. I have signed up for the 50 mile route. Could end up being as long as 60 miles though. Today was the first time I have been on the bike in any sort of fashion since August. About 30 minutes on the trainer, and I was ready to call it a day lol. Got some distance to go to be ready, but should be able to pull it off!

I am also working on loosing weight during this. Currently I am at 221 Lbs, my goal will be 160 Lbs, long shot to hit before the tour date, but going to do my best!